4. What factors, other than lighting, can have a significant effect on student achievement and test scores?
Other factors that can significantly affect student achievement and test scores are having a room with a view of natural scenery, eating healthy foods and avoiding high-fructose corn syrup, and getting exercise.  Not all classrooms with have a room with a view, so teachers can put up posters of mountains and fields of lush, green grass with flowers to compensate.  Teachers can also limit sugary snacks and incorporate "brain breaks" by getting students active in the classroom.  People who exercise stimulate blood flow to the brain and can think more clearly than people who don't.  What an easy way to get students to learn more effectively! 

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    Hi!  My name is Anna Schmitz, and I have just earned my Elementary Education degree from Southwestern College.  I strive to be a life-long learner.  This blog is in response to questions from Teach Like a Champion and Teaching Outside the Box.  I have included my knowledge and perspective on teaching in the elementary school. 


    December 2012
    November 2012

