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4. Make an action plan for your classroom setup:
    a. What should your default layout be, and what would the most common other layouts look like?  Will you use them enough to justify having your students practice moving from one to another?

Please see attached file of my classroom layout design.  I think pods of four students facing each other would be beneficial to the students, especially in the early grades.  For fifth and sixth graders, I would consider pairing desks into several rows/columns so students are facing forward but can still have a partner when needed.  The older students will probably take more notes and need to focus attention on the front of the class.  In the early elementary grades, I would have big cardboard tri-fold dividers to bring out when they take tests or need a private space.  Just as important as where students will sit is where I will walk.  Pathways needs to be free so I can quickly reach any student in the class.

    b. What are the five most useful and important things you could put on the walls to help students do their work?  Are they up?

Since I do not know what grade I will be teaching for my first job, I will use 1st grade, since this is the grade in which I will be student teaching next semester. 
1) Word Wall: add any new words students learn and arrange it alphabetically
2) Class Rules: 1. Be kind  2. Listen and do what the teacher asks  3. Be a good friend.  4. Do your best!
3) A Number Line to use as a reference; this can go along a wall (or several) close to the ceiling.
4) The alphabet
5) Phonics clusters with phrases to remember their sound

    c. What things are on your walls that don't need to be?

Since I don't have my own classroom yet, I can't answer this.  I will be on the lookout for extra things that are only cluttering my walls and not providing helpful information or showing exemplary student work. 

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    Hi!  My name is Anna Schmitz, and I have just earned my Elementary Education degree from Southwestern College.  I strive to be a life-long learner.  This blog is in response to questions from Teach Like a Champion and Teaching Outside the Box.  I have included my knowledge and perspective on teaching in the elementary school. 


    December 2012
    November 2012

