4. 6 + 5 = ?  Objective: Students will be able to master simple computations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 
Try to think of ten "Stretch It" questions you might ask for the one that's closest to what you teach.
1) What is another way we can get 11, using the same addends?
2) What is 11 - 5?
3) What is 11 - 6?
4) 11, 5, and 6 are all a part of what?  (A fact family)
5) Using doubles, try to get to 11. (Answers may be 5 + 5 + 1 or 6 + 6 - 1, or some other double).
6) Sarah had 11 pieces of candy.  She wanted to divide them evenly between two friends.  How many can she give each friend? (5)
7) How can you break down 6 + 5 = 11?  (3 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 11)
8) Can you count on, starting at 6 and get to 11?  How many numbers did you count? (5)
9) What is 6 times 5? 
10) How is 6 times 5 different from 6 plus 5?

6. Without Apology: Try to imagine the most "boring" content that you could teach.  Now script the first five minutes of your class in which you find a way to make it exciting and engaging to students.
"Today we are going to discover the exciting way to turn fractions into decimals!  Did you know that you can write a fraction as a decimal?  They mean the same thing, but are written differently on paper.  I would like everyone to transfer this idea to themselves: think of at least two different ways you can be represented.  Are you a daughter or son?  Are you a sister or brother?  Are you a grandchild?  These are just three ways of looking at yourself.  Now let's look at numbers in different way.  Take the fraction 3/10.  How else can we write this?  That's right, 0.3!  Let's draw a representation of this number and write the different ways we can write it.  I want to see how creative you can get!  We will have a contest to see who can be the most creative and that person will get to display their picture on our math bulletin board this week!"  Have the class draw 3 tenths of something (Ideas include: a pizza, ten fingers with 3 rings, etc.).   

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    Hi!  My name is Anna Schmitz, and I have just earned my Elementary Education degree from Southwestern College.  I strive to be a life-long learner.  This blog is in response to questions from Teach Like a Champion and Teaching Outside the Box.  I have included my knowledge and perspective on teaching in the elementary school. 


    December 2012
    November 2012

