1. The following statements are negatively framed.  Try rewriting them to make them positively framed. 
"We're not going to have another day like yesterday, are we, Jason?"  Change to: "Today is a new day!  Let's start fresh, Jason."  
"Just a minute, Jane.  Absolutely no one is giving you their full attention except Dyonte and Beth."  Change to: "Excuse me, Jane.  I like how Dyonte and Beth are giving their full attention to the speaker right now.  [pause for a second].  Jane, please proceed."
"I need the tapping to stop."  Change to: "Please keep pencils quiet.  Thank you."
"I've asked you twice to stop slouching, Jasmine!"  Change to: "Sit tall, please, Jasmine.  Thank you." 

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    Hi!  My name is Anna Schmitz, and I have just earned my Elementary Education degree from Southwestern College.  I strive to be a life-long learner.  This blog is in response to questions from Teach Like a Champion and Teaching Outside the Box.  I have included my knowledge and perspective on teaching in the elementary school. 


    December 2012
    November 2012

